I think Halloween is such a fun holiday and defiantly one of my favorites! So, every year we send out invites and throw a Halloween party and this year was no exception. I think I may even have more Halloween decorations than Christmas ones. haha. Thanks for coming everyone, it wouldn't have been as fun without you!
We always get dry ice for the punch or I mean BLOOD because the kiddos love it. We kept it really dark at the party and had a black light and lots of orange Halloween lights. And there was spooky music playing the whole time in the background.
Meet OCTI....this spider is the newest member of our family during the month of October. The kids LOVE him, but I think I love him most because he is like Santa in a way. He watches the kids all day and if they are naughty, at night he comes alive and crawls into their beds and BITES them. That sounds totally mean but the kids think it is HILARIOUS *and they know it isn't going to really happen*. We sing, "You better watch out, you better not cry, you better not pout I'm tell you why, because Octi is coming to BITE you tonight!" Don't call child services on me k.
Watching the kids do the donut game was the funniest thing EVER. I was laughing so hard.
We also did bobbing for apples, but it was super easy because they just pulled them out by the stems instead of biting the sides. It was still fun though.
What CUTE little pumpkins we have!!!
This is what the kiddos were for Halloween this year:
Sad that they are old enough to pick what they want to be now instead of me getting to pick...at least I still got to pick Pip's :) And they really did all look ADORABLE!
It was SO MUCH fun going trick-r-treating this year. I loved seeing all my kids, but Piper was especially fun. She went to each house, knocked on the door and as soon as they opened it she made herself at home and walked right in and said the cutest "tick-r-treat" I have EVER heard in my life and then would dig out handfuls of candy until we stopped her and told he "one", then she put it in her bag say the SWEETEST "dank you" and run off for the next house. Melts my heart just thinking about how stinkin cute she is!!!
Hope you all had a wonderful HALLOWEEN too!
1 Say What's:
Your party looks awesome. And I think the octi idea is genius! I might be stealing that idea - ANYTHING to try and get my friggin kids to behave ;)
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