California Part #2

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Things have been so crazy around here. I don't know how you all manage to blog and keep your kids alive. haha. I finally have the rest of the pictures from our Cali trip that was forever ago all done. It was hard to edit the pictures because of the little point and shoot camera I used.  I just kept looking at them and thinking, "They could be so much better" BLAH! But, I made it through and I am happy to have pictures.  I have so much to post on this blog to get caught up...but I'm determined to do it! So let's start with this shall we....

I was so excited to do something a little different this trip. And I have always wanted to see these giant trees. Let me tell you, they did not disappoint. The only thing that was not so great, was that there was a huge storm the night before we got there, so we had to rent snow chains to get up there. PLUS, they were doing construction on the road so we had to sit in the car and wait 2 hours till the road opened up again and we could go through. But, once we got there it was great and the trees were BEAUTIFUL!

While we were waiting to go up we had a picnic and climbed lots of stuff.

This is a hollowed out tree that had fallen years ago, kinda shows how big it was.

I wish I could show in pictures how incredibly massive this tree was.

These pictures kinda give you and idea of how big the trees are because we were so small. :) I am so glad we were able to take this little out of the way detour because who knows if we will ever make it there again. It was lots of fun!

1 Say What's:

Heather said...

Welcome back! To answer your question- people, like myself, find time to blog because 1.) we don't have 3 children, 2.) we don't have a photography business, 3.) we don't have a husband that works out of town, and 4.) we aren't as motivated to actually complete all of our DIY projects. There ya have it! :0)

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